(310) 889-8334



8 weeks

2 months


  • Medical doctor directed, base line assessments applied with additional MD consultation fee
  • Christopher Asandra, MD America’s #1 leading anti-aging clinic
  • Program managed by Ashiko Westguard, Nicole Dunlap RD
  • Male and Female Coaches, Transformation Specialists
  • Full team support, attention, motivation
  • Custom and dialed in onboarding process includes a 45 min consultation with each LBT METHOD team member typically 3 specialists work on each case
  • Weekly dialed in check in with scheduled weekly team meetings
  • Custom weekly nutrition program and recipes| RD Registered Dietician
  • Custom supplement plan MD directed and over looked
  • Health care plan managed, overlooked and monitored
  • Custom workout program
  • Dedicated team attention, reviewed training video’s initial week
  • One on one scheduled live weekly coaching with each LBT METHOD team member
  • On-going communication with each LBT METHOD team member, specialist
  • Client receives weekly summarized feedback
  • Flexible program style with regular adjustments to move with you as you reach your goals

16 weeks

4 months


  • Medical doctor directed, base line assessments applied with additional MD consultation fee
  • Christopher Asandra, MD America’s #1 leading anti-aging clinic
  • Program managed by Ashiko Westguard, Nicole Dunlap RD
  • Male and Female Coaches, Transformation Specialists
  • Full team support, attention, motivation
  • Custom and dialed in onboarding process includes a 45 min consultation with each LBT METHOD team member typically 3 specialists work on each case
  • Weekly dialed in check in with scheduled weekly team meetings
  • Custom weekly nutrition program and recipes| RD Registered Dietician
  • Custom supplement plan MD directed and over looked
  • Health care plan managed, overlooked and monitored
  • Custom workout program
  • Dedicated team attention, reviewed training video’s initial week
  • One on one scheduled live weekly coaching with each LBT METHOD team member
  • On-going communication with each LBT METHOD team member, specialist
  • Client receives weekly summarized feedback
  • Flexible program style with regular adjustments to move with you as you reach your goals

24 weeks

6 months


  • Medical doctor directed, base line assessments applied with additional MD consultation fee
  • Christopher Asandra, MD America’s #1 leading anti-aging clinic
  • Program managed by Ashiko Westguard, Nicole Dunlap RD
  • Male and Female Coaches, Transformation Specialists
  • Full team support, attention, motivation
  • Custom and dialed in onboarding process includes a 45 min consultation with each LBT METHOD team member typically 3 specialists work on each case
  • Weekly dialed in check in with scheduled weekly team meetings
  • Custom weekly nutrition program and recipes| RD Registered Dietician
  • Custom supplement plan MD directed and over looked
  • Health care plan managed, overlooked and monitored
  • Custom workout program
  • Dedicated team attention, reviewed training video’s initial week
  • One on one scheduled live weekly coaching with each LBT METHOD team member
  • On-going communication with each LBT METHOD team member, specialist
  • Client receives weekly summarized feedback
  • Flexible program style with regular adjustments to move with you as you reach your goals

52 weeks

1 year


  • Medical doctor directed, base line assessments applied with additional MD consultation fee
  • Christopher Asandra, MD America’s #1 leading anti-aging clinic
  • Program managed by Ashiko Westguard, Nicole Dunlap RD
  • Male and Female Coaches, Transformation Specialists
  • Full team support, attention, motivation
  • Custom and dialed in onboarding process includes a 45 min consultation with each LBT METHOD team member typically 3 specialists work on each case
  • Weekly dialed in check in with scheduled weekly team meetings
  • Custom weekly nutrition program and recipes| RD Registered Dietician
  • Custom supplement plan MD directed and over looked
  • Health care plan managed, overlooked and monitored
  • Custom workout program
  • Dedicated team attention, reviewed training video’s initial week
  • One on one scheduled live weekly coaching with each LBT METHOD team member
  • On-going communication with each LBT METHOD team member, specialist
  • Client receives weekly summarized feedback
  • Flexible program style with regular adjustments to move with you as you reach your goals

Limitless Body Transformation Program with Medical Doctor -Fitness/Nutrition RD/Supplement/ Life Coaching

With this program you’ll join the Limitless Body Transformation program taking part in a detailed and dialed in on boarding process where information will be carefully collected and shared with the medical doctor. You’ll have the opportunity to have 45min consultation via zoom or call with Ashiko Westguard to review information collected. You’ll also be scheduled to meet with a registered dietician where you’ll review necessary information while they perform their intake process to ensure when you are provided your nutrition plan it works seamlessly for you.

You’ll then become a patient to the medical doctor following the medical doctor’s new patient process organized by medical office and facilitated by Limitless Body Transformation Inc, Ashiko Westguard as your case manager and coach. You’ll attend a zoom or call consultation with your medical doctor where they will assess and determine the best course of action with testing’s and supplements applied Once a consent form is signed by yourself the medical doctor can release information to Limitless Body Transformation Inc.

Working as a team with your coach and case manager Ashiko Westguard, registered dietician and medical doctor they will ensure all programs and supplements work hand in hand while being carefully monitored following a system. You’ll receive hard copy programs for supplements, protocols, nutrition and training while receiving one on one team attention and support. You’ll participate in an on-going weekly check in process receiving digital questionnaires submitting responses along with images. Then meeting 2x a week for 30-45min via zoom or call with Ashiko Westguard along with meeting 1 x a week for 30-45min with the dietician to ensure necessary adjustments are made and reflected in the following weeks programs; nutrition, training, supplement protocols.

During this program you’ll be advised by the medical doctor when they feel it would be fitting to schedule a one on one check in with them. Potentially every 4-6 weeks at a discounted rate making if fees able for yourself. If there is a more specialty concern being addressed you may be advised to schedule a consultation where your medical doctor can address provide the correct time and attention needed with clear guidelines and understanding. With each patient it varies as each case is very different and we wish to keep our integrity and honor each case with sensitivity and empathy for accuracy.

You will have email access to your medical doctor and should you need to speak with your coaches outside the scheduled times and arrange a meeting via call or zoom a request can be submitted.